Dear Vendor,
We provide this “Code” in order to help you to easily understand the “Dos” and “Don’ts” on our Marketplace. Please read these instructions carefully and let us know if you have any questions at

Dear Vendor,
We provide this “Code” in order to help you to easily understand the “Dos” and “Don’ts” on our Marketplace. Please read these instructions carefully and let us know if you have any questions at


Offers should always include technical information

Offers should always include as much technical
information as possible.

Make sure to add all the information requested
in the Master-File that you can find on your shop page.
Feel free to add more details if they seem important.

According to our business policy, offers which do not
provide any technical data, are not allowed.

Condition of your robot

All Vendors are obliged to indicate clearly the condition of the robot on sale. Please use the options stated in the field “condition of robot”.

Deleting offers for sold robots

Please delete or deactivate offers for sold robots immediately once the sale has come through. We try to keep our database as up-to-date as possible and thus making the marketplace a trusted place to shop.

Only upload pictures of your own robots

All other photographs may only be uploaded with the express written permission of the copyright owner.

Write your own text

Please write your own technical descriptions of the robot that you want to sell in order to avoid any objectionable situation.

Sell your robot at a reasonable price

Please always indicate a reasonable price for your robot. Offers with a sale price of 1 USD/EUR will not be published.

In case you don’t want to publish a price, please leave the price field blank. A note saying “Request price” will automatically be displayed for your offer.

Provide valid contact data

At registration, please make sure that all your data is correct and that you provide a valid phone number and e-mail address.



Specific offers only

Please only enter real offers into the Marketplace. General advertising such as “All types of robots available“ is not allowed.


Offers with alternative modes of communication

No phone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses or internet addresses should appear in the text of an offer. All communication will be managed through the Marketplace.

Therefore, an additional entry of your contact data in the listing text is not necessary.

The mentioning of internet addresses in offerings is not allowed. The text and the pictures accompanying the robots on sale may not contain internet addresses.

Do not use logos instead
of pictures of machines

The placement of company logos in or instead of machine images is not allowed.

No “fake” or “dummy” pictures

Pictures of robots that only contain text such as “Photo coming soon” are not permitted.

Choose your shop name

The use of the real name of your business as name of the vendor shop is not allowed.

Thank you for making this the best and most reliable platform for all things robotics.