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RSM Marketplace - Parts

  • 2D system for painting application2D system for painting application


    2D system for painting application

    • It creates the painting path independently • It associates the painting path with a recipe that can be set…
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    The product is a system composed of a dedicated software and a pair of photoelectric barriers. It is used on a line, and can identify 2D surfaces.
    It creates the painting path independently and associates it with a recipe that can be set by an operator. The recipe is based on a series of spraying parameter.
    During an initial work phase, recipes are created for each piece, once that’s completed, the only thing left to do is to load the conveyor with the pieces needing to be painted.
    The 2D system recognizes the parts, associating them with the corresponding recipe and creates the best painting path.

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  • 3D-Applications-Customized-tool3D-Applications-Customized-tool

    Pick & Place

    3D Applications Customized Tool

    3D Vision System • Can be used for the following robot applications: Pick & Place, Sorting, 3D Applications, Object Identification,…
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    3D applications customized system is a tool intended for:
    • Integrators
    • Machine builders
    • Industrial end-users
    This is an ideal tool for any robotic professional that is willing to develop its own 3D vision applications.
    Some key features:
    Pixels resolution: From 2.3 M to 5 M depending the option
    Camera Resolution: From 1920 x 1200 to 2590 x 2048 depending the option
    Working extent : From 450 to 2000 mm approx.
    Scanning Time: From a minimum of 0.3 Sec to a minimum of 0.8 Sec.

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  • 3D system for painting application3D system for painting application


    3D system for painting application

    • Recognizes the inclination and position of the pieces • Automatically adjusts the painting path. • High standard quality services…
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    The 3D Image system is a system consisting of management software and one or more 3D scanners mounted on a line capable of recognizing the size of three-dimensional objects and associating the corresponding painting program.
    In a first phase of work the programs for each type of piece are created, after which it is simply necessary to load the supply line with the pieces to be painted.
    The 3D image system pro will take care of recognizing the pieces through its 3D scanners and applying the relative painting program.
    It recognizes the inclination and position of the pieces and automatically adjusts the painting path.
    It can distinguish between objects of different thickness.
    It recognizes the real position and adjusts the painting path.

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  • vision-creationvision-creation

    Pick & Place

    3D Vision Creation

    Software for the following applications: • Testing & Measuring • Pick & Place • Material Handling • Palletizing • Object…
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    The software has the ability to transform any camera into a 3D measurement device.
    It has the capacity to detect objects and extracts their position and orientation from a single image.
    6 numbers are provided for any selected object
    • Position X,Y,Z
    • Orientation angles A,B,C
    Numerous advantages:
    • Recognize objects for robots without coding
    • Any kind of cameras can be used (webcam, smartphone etc…)
    • Uses low cost sensor
    • No additional equipment needed
    Other advantages:
    • Speed:
    • No point clouds
    • Using NVIDIA GPU can run 30 frame/sec
    • Fast object tracking
    • Define objects for robots without coding
    • Any camera : WebCam, Industrial even Smartphone
    • Working range could be easily adapted
    • System setup
    • RGB camera allows to use different optics
    • Getting close to the object allows submillimeter position accuracy
    • Uses low cost sensors
    • Can run on a computer with GPU or NVIDIA JATSON
    • No additional equipment
    • Competitive software pricing

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  • 3D-Vision-Guided-Robot3D-Vision-Guided-Robot


    3D Vision Guided Robot

    3D Vision System • Suitable to more than 20 world known robots and PLC brands • Can be used for…
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    3D vision guided robot tool benefits:
    • Analyzes and identifies randomed items,
    • Pinpoints their positions and orientations
    • Gives a command to the robot to fulfill a precise task following an automatically generated path.
    • With a minimum scanning time of 0.3s, the system reduces the need for fixtures and precise positioning in the manufacturing process
    • Can quickly identify the products features and changes.
    3D vision guided robot (VGR) can be used for applications including:
    Sealing, welding and polishing among others.
    The solution is compatible with most of the industrial robots such as:
    Kuka, Yaskawa, ABB, Omron etc… including Collaborative robots.

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  • 3D vision system-Pick-Place-Packaging-Solution_Pick-place

    Pick & Place

    3D Vision System

    The 3D vision system is a technology with numerous benefits for robotic applications. Its capabilities are extensive, including material handling,…
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    The 3D vision system offers a multitude of benefits that make it an ideal product for handling a large variety of items stored in warehouses. One of its unique features is the ability to control grippers, ensuring careful picking up of objects. In addition, the system can quickly scan the dimensions of a box, which enables it to identify the best location for an item. The product also has a simple user interface, which makes it easy for users to build several packaging applications without any code writing. What’s more, the solution is compatible with most industrial robots and cobots, including collaborative robots, which makes it an ideal choice for many companies looking to streamline their warehouse processes.

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  • 3D Vision System P&P application3D Vision System P&P application

    Pick & Place

    3D Vision System Pick & Place Application

    • Suitable for more than 20 robots brands • Can be used for the following robot applications: Pick & Place,…
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    3D Vision System Pick & Place application benefits:
    • The solution is compatible with most of the industrial robots such as Kuka, Yaskawa, ABB, Omron etc… including collaborative robots.
    • The product is an AI powered tool that can pick random or unknown objects despite the appearance, spatial location or orientation by using 3D machine vision to generate high quality point clouds.
    The 3D vision system contains three distinct but seamlessly integrated hardware and software modules:
    • 3D scanner, Image analysis software and Bin collision Avoidance.
    • The system is ideal for:
    Kitting which means picking different items located in different places, and placing them in a kit.
    • Highly recommended for complex patterns
    • The 3D vision can recognize and pick individual product from a pile of thin material such as metal, paper, rubber etc..

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  • 3D vision3D vision

    Pick & Place

    3D-Vision System

    This 3D Vision System is an eye for the robot. The advanced optical system, positioning and scanning algorithms allow for…
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    This 3D Vision System is an eye for the robot. The advanced optical system, positioning and scanning algorithms allow for the offset of production processes and visual inspection of items. The robot arm with vision system scans the workspace and finds the items that are needed according to the models, and can also perform other activities on it – packing, pick & place, soldering, assembly.

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  • Robot_camera_sensorRobot_camera_sensor

    Robot Components

    Camera – sensor holder – system

    Sensors and camera system can be attached in any chosen application.  
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    Sensors and camera system can be attached in your application. The Kit suits multiples systems, e.g.
    – Camera mounted with standard components
    – Camera bracket with adjustment X-Y
    – Combi bracket – camera and light

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  • Door system for CNC machine tendingDoor system for CNC machine tending


    Door system for CNC machine tending

    The Safedoor system is an innovative and safe solution to enable robotized tending of existing CNC machines. Easy and Fast…
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    The system is an innovative and safe solution to enable robotized tending of existing CNC machines.
    The Actuator is specially designed for the purpose, allowing fast, continuous operation of CNC machine doors. The intelligent
    Controller monitors that all aspects of the doors motion is smooth
    and reliable.
    The built-in safety features allow safe human / machine collaboration without the need to safety fencing. The system has a low noise level. All this makes the Safedoor system ideal for collaborative robot applications.
    Features:- Easy installation, programming and risk assessment,
    • Optimized for integration with collaborative robots,
    • Fast and silent operation,
    • Automatic door size adjustment,
    • Force control optimized for safe and reliable operation,
    • Capable of handling both single and double door CNC machines,
    • Flexible mounting brackets for easy integration with different CNC

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  • EOL-Tester-scaled

    Testing & Measuring

    EOL testers

    Leak testing, in-line electrical testing or EOL test
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    Leak testing, in-line electrical testing or EOL test.

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